Thursday, October 14, 2010

Back to the Future!

     Many of you know that I hosted my own radio show for several years. I enjoyed working on-the-air, perhaps as much or more, than anything else I have done professionally. When I decided to focus on my own business last year, (see, Where Have You Been Michael), one of the first things that happened to me was a

long conversation with someone I had just met on an airplane ,,, we were seated next to each other from Chicago to Seattle and talked the entire trip. I will write more about this on my web site but for now ... I will always believe that meeting this person was far more than mere coincidence. Among many other important topics we discussed, at one point he said to me, "If taking this job is not what you want ... if you could do anything you wanted, what would it be?"

     A few, short months later, I was asked to produce and co-host a radio show. It felt very much like - prayer asked and answered! I have now been working with an attorney in the Washington, D.C. area for a little more than a year and through a very unexpected turn of events, he decided to do a radio show. At first, the thought of a Legal Show was not something that seemed very exciting, but the program has become an incredible opportunity to be a part of covering news that affects all of us. In the past few weeks we have talked about:  giving up freedom for security, death penalty, free speech, privacy, marijuana, and same sex marriage. My favorite part of the show is called, On the Street, where we hear listener comments I collect each week on topics like the ones I just mentioned.

     Te show's host is attorney, Paul Samakow ... a stand-up guy that has made a career of fighting for his client's rights. If you would like to hear a show, click here to go to the archives.

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