Sunday, September 13, 2009

My first content on sex ...

Here's my photo typing up the content for my web site. Over the weekend, I made my first entry on the topic of sex. While there is much to say, I have decided to begin with the best source of information, good service and products that I have found for "adult toys." Please go to my site for more info. By the way, I need some help with finding a more appropriate phrase than "adult toys," or "marital aids," both of which feel creepy to me. I welcome your suggestions. My intent here is not anything other than trying to help with a subject for which reliable, educational and well-researched information is many times, difficult to find. I hope you will like my approach.

1 comment:

  1. HI Michael, this isn't a easy as I thought it would be. here I am sitting thinking of a name for sex toys. So here is my thought "Gadgets That Make You Go MMMMMM" or "Intimate Utensils". I know not that great I will have to think harder on this.


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