Thursday, September 24, 2009

This really scares me...who is paying attention?

The photo was taken in 1976 and while I would like to think the archaic methodology in the picture is a thing of the past...guess again. As a Counselor in the State of Washington, I receive routine Department of Health communications. Guess what showed up today? NOTICE: Suspension of Washington State Thimerosal Limits for H1N1 Vaccine. Thimerosal is a mercury containing preservative normally limited by law. The limit has been suspended to get the vaccine out. Unfortunately, lifting the limits does not change why the restriction is there in the first place. I will have more on this at Personal Growth Productions in the near future but please read up on this before you let anyone stick you.

1 comment:

  1. I am ... !!! This scares the heck out of me...But most people can not wrap thier minds around it.


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