Monday, November 23, 2009

The Law of Attraction....

     I am amazed by this subject and how much it can mean to our daily lives. With Thanksgiving approaching, I generally start leaning in the direction of gratitude for all that we have and I also know that, many times, we all get stuck in our wants and wishes. Hey, there's nothing wrong with asking when, ask and you will receive has been extended to us. This year, I am so very grateful for how the Law of Attraction has accompanied me like  faithful friend ... giving me the benefit of the doubt and hanging with me through worry, doubt and uncertainty. 

     This article started with the early entry I made about Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and I invite you to visit the Personal Growth website for the rest of the story ...  click here and enjoy. Your comments are welcome and sincerely appreciate. 


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  3. Hi all,

    The two comments above contained hyperlinks to commercial information. Those that posted did not ask me before posting and I did not have a chance to review the offerings. As I feel responsible for what appears here, I deleted the messages. I am happy to help anyone that wants to advertise their products and only ask that you give me a chance to take a look at your work before it goes up. I'm note even sure how much my opinion counts as what might appeal to one person may not appeal to me. For me, it's about being polite. Trust you understand.


  4. Hi Michael,
    I am also "very grateful for how the Law of Attraction has accompanied me like faithful friend ... giving me the benefit of the doubt and hanging with me through worry, doubt and uncertainty." In response to that sense of gratitude, I've sought a means to "play the blessing forward."
    Most of the people I rub shoulders with each day have no interest in the Law of Attraction or any other spiritual matters. It's not their fault; they have been conditioned to disregard such things. So, I've written a mainstream novel which, I hope, will entertain and, at the same time, gently nudge readers toward finding their own spiritual path.
    According to the publisher's website,, I was successful in the entertaining department. Real success—interesting people in the spiritual path—will be harder to measure.
    Should the existence of this work be something you'd like to share, it can be found on Amazon, B&N, and Chapters. Search for "The Kitten Burglar."


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